Chair of the Canadian Mirror Committee of the ISO/TC 269

Great news on 24 June 2021.
Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has just approved our request for the establishment of a Mirror Committee (MC) to the ISO/TC 269 that focuses on Rail Applications.
As a result of this approval, SCC has officially confirmed its contribution as P-Participating Members of this Technical Committee.
Canada is joining after many attempts from this International Committee to get the expertise from North America to join in with the other 4 continents in the development of International Standards.
The work being carried out now by the Working Group 5 (WG-5) is the development of the ISO22163 which will eventually replace the actual ISO/TS 22163. Experts from all over the world, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and now Americas, are working on this WG5.
I am happy to be the Chair of this newly created MC, assisted by many Canadian Experts from different stakeholder’s groups, to represent Canada in this international effort to develop standards for Rail Applications.
I will do my best to keep you posted of the progress of the development of these International Standards.
François Ouellette, Président of LogiQual inc.